Permanently Stop Rats from entering properties.
The problem of rats invading properties and entering through the drainage system is indeed a significant challenge for the pest control industry. To address this issue and provide a permanent solution to customers, pest control companies can offer a solution.

Re-Tec Rat-Patch
Available in Diameter 100mm & 150mm

No-Dig Solution for Rat-Proofing Your Drains
Our No-Dig patch repair system isn’t just like any conventional patch repair. The Rat Patch has an extra membrane of stainless steel added to the fibreglass matting.
When the repair kit is installed to block off a disused pipe, the stainless steel sheet reinforces the fibreglass matting and stops the rats from chewing through the material, keeping the disused pipe rat free.
By addressing these points, pest control companies can offer a reliable solution for rat infestations in properties whilst retaining control over the job and profits.
Pest Controller & Drainage Contractor -A partnership-
Key Benefits
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